San Francisco Sightseeing Tours - Take a guided walking tour







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Transit Agencies







San Francisco Tourism

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See our Accessibility page for many links to agencies and organizations and for books and pamphlets. 



Wheelchair Getaways provides wheelchair accessible van rentals for people with disabilities.

Mention ON THE LEVEL when booking a room at the Hotel Drisco and you will receive a complimentary booklet.

Emerging Horizons offers international accessible travel news and resources. 


Access Northern California has access information for all of Northern California.

The Walk Shop in Berkeley has an enormous selection of walking shoes, and the friendly staff offers expert fitting advice.  Visit their site and read the history of the shop, browse their offerings, and check out their area links.

San Francisco Bay Area Hiker "was was created to fully explore the diverse and wonderful spectrum of hiking" in
the San Francisco Bay Area.  The special section on "All-Access and Easy Trails" offers a variety of hikes, links, and useful information.



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Phone 415-608-7757 / Fax 415.776.1253

2295 Vallejo St. #504
San Francisco, CA 94123